The last time Shiloh saw his foster sister was over a year ago. He was just turning two years old and in foster care with a two month old pittie-puppy named Goose (both came from the
Seattle Animal Shelter before being placed in foster care). Although Shiloh had already been in foster care for about four months, Goose found her forever home right away, and on March 11, 2011 was adopted! It would be four more months before Shiloh would finally find his new home, but who would have thought that these two foster-siblings would see each other again?
Goose and Shiloh, February 2011 |
Several of us wondered how these two would react to one another once we realized that they would soon be gathering in the same place at the same time. Would they even remember each other? No one really knew how tight their bond was being that they were together for what seemed like a short period of time. I am told that Shiloh really helped to raise Goose and got her through some very critical periods, but what does that mean long term? None of us were completely sure.
Although Goose was small, she made the perfect big-spoon |
During Shiloh and Goose's one month together, they developed a 'fast and hard' play style. Given their size differences, one may worry that this rough-housing may be a bit much for a puppy Goose's age. As it turned out, Goose was very much able to hold her own.
A little freestyle wresting between friends |
In fact, perhaps it was Shiloh, the full-grown, adult dog that we should have been worried about here.
Shiloh seems to be pinned down... again |
...and again |
Not only did they play together and sleep cuddled up on a regular basis, but they also spent time having meaningful conversation with one another.
Shiloh: "Hey Goose, do I have any food stuck in my teeth?" Goose: "Ewww, gross! Ha! Just kidding, you're good!" |
It was during the WalkABulls hike this last Saturday, March 24, 2012, that these two saw each other again for the first time since Goose was adopted last year. Due to our no-contact and spacing guidelines in the beginning of each walk, Shiloh and Goose did not have a chance to get a good look, or sniff, at one another... at least not yet.
Saturday, 3/24/12 - Carkeek Park
The walk started off with Shiloh in the lead, and Goose towards the back with several dogs and humans in front of her. About 15 minutes into our walk, we were notified by one of our roving dog-less walkers that Goose may do better closer to the front of the pack. The group as a whole then moved over, just enough to give Goose the appropriate room to maneuver her way forward. We always want to set our dogs (and their people) up for success!
Shiloh is in the lead, while Goose is way in the back |
Goose makes her way to the lead |
Goose is right behind Shiloh but they have not yet recognized each other |
All was quiet and calm until Shiloh and Goose had the opportunity for a very short and quick glimpse into each others eyes. They were about eight feet apart but obviously close enough to recognize that an old friend was nearby - the connection had been made.
Both Shiloh and Goose have the potential to be dog-reactive, but in a very friendly way. They have the ability to make a lot of noise when they want to befriend another dog, but... no one could have prepared for the large demonstration put forth by these two dogs on this day, especially from Shiloh! It was made quite clear that they both wanted very badly to catch up on lost time.
Goose did great and kept moving forward, increasing her distance from Shiloh, which enabled her to regain her focus. Shiloh had gotten pretty worked up over Goose and he took more time and attention to find his focus. Everyone in the group did a fantastic job throughout this situation by remaining calm, staying focused on their dog, and keeping their dog focused on them.
Our walk ended successfully, despite the challenges early on - but I think we are all learning that this group is about overcoming our various challenges. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend this walk and be a part of the Shiloh-Goose reunion!
Klaus |
Bailey |
Sirius Black |
Sam |
Louie |
Goose |
A very special thank you to Mace Burke for joining us on this walk as our dog-less leader, as well as for taking all the great photos on this day! Also thank you to Goose's forever mom, as well as Goose's and Shiloh's foster mom, for sharing photos of these two in foster care together.
Mace and Shiloh lead the group |
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